Insecure: The Basis for your Failure
Effective Questions to Overcome Insecurities
Insecurities generally refer to feelings of self-doubt, uncertainty, and a lack of confidence regarding one’s abilities, appearance, or worth. These feelings can arise from internal thoughts or external influences, often leading individuals to question their own value or competence.
Your insecurities are largely formed during the first seven years of your life. If you possess even a small degree of mature self-awareness, you’ll recognize this within yourself, your children, or others. Children are like dry sponges, absorbing everything; they are like moldable wet clay that time will shape and harden. Since we were all children, at one point in our time line, then we absorbed our parents insecurities.
Insecurity itself is a metaphorical succubus—an energetic vampire that feeds on itself. Figuratively speaking, when Adam sleeps, he slips. In other words, Adam allows Eve (representing the limbic system/emotional mind) and the Serpent (representing the R-complex brain/instinctive drives) to work against his best interests. This leads to self-sabotage, making decisions that have serious consequences regardless of our desire for the contrast.
The term "insecurity" finds its origin in the Latin word "insecurus," which combines "in" (not) and "securus" (secure). This essentially means "not secure" or "lacking in security." Over time, the word evolved to describe feelings of uncertainty or unease about oneself.
insecure (adj.)
1640s, "unsafe," also "not fully assured, not free from fear or doubt," from Medieval Latin insecurus, from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + Latin securus (see secure (adj.)). Psychological sense dates from 1935. (insecurity in the psychological sense dates from 1917.) Related: Insecurely.
secure (v.)
c. 1600, "to make safe, guard from danger," from secure (adj.). Meaning "ensure, make certain, guarantee" is from 1650s; that of "seize and hold" (in reference to persons) is from 1640s; that of "make fast or firm" (of things) is from 1650s. The sense of "get possession of, make oneself master of" is from 1743. Related: Secured; securing.
Guess where these insecurities stem from? Your childhood, IE.. Your Parents!
NuNetic Break Down
The meanings of the letters will be extracted from the esteemed book: 'NuNetics - Insights Into the Nature-based Meanings of Arabic Letters' - Benjamin Bilal
'in' is a prefix. it is a negation in this case. Let's breakdown 'SeCuRe' by looking at its' consonants.
S - C - R
The 'S' sound comes through the use of whistling (Whistling Fricative)
The 'C sound comes through the use of our throat (Guttural)
The 'R' sound comes through the use of our tongue (Liquid)
The hard 'C' sound is interchangeable with the K sound, as both are guttural consonants produced in the back of the mouth. We will be treating C as interchangeable with K.
Using the principles of NuNetics, the word "secure" can be interpreted as follows:
- 'S' represents the lower lip or skin that covers and protects, symbolizing environmental shielding and abstract clarity
- 'C' (interchangeable with K) corresponds to the palm of the hand, indicating physical control, environmental management, and abstract power
- 'R' signifies the front of the head, representing physical consciousness, environmental leadership, and abstract authority
Overall Interpretation of "Secure" According to NuNetics:
The word "secure," according to NuNetics, can be understood as protection and control that is actively maintained by strong, conscious leadership. It involves shielding and safeguarding essential elements, using firm control to manage and protect. This secure state is vital in preserving the integrity and reliability of any system, ensuring that it remains strong, stable, and resilient against potential threats.
With the prefix 'in' being a negation, we now conclude its opposing meaning.
"Insecure," according to NuNetics, can be understood as a state of lacking protection and stability, where control and foundational strength are weak or lacking. This involves a failure to shield or safeguard essential elements, leading to uncertainty and vulnerability. Without strong leadership and conscious oversight, the system becomes unstable and susceptible to external threats, resulting in a state of unreliability and fragility.
To elevate and graduate your consciousness, get a copy of 'NuNetics - Insights Into the Nature-based Meanings of Arabic Letters' by Benjamin Bilal
With the NuNetic break down of secure, we can conclude that, when you are insecure, 1) you are not feeling shielded, you are feeling vulnerable, 2) you are not grasping where your insecurity is coming from, and 3) you are not leading your life, giving authority to your insecure feelings. The following questions, in the least, will give you a road map to phase out these insecurities.
Get out a Pen, Paper, and Timer. Write for NO LESS than 15 minutes. Do this while your belly is satiated, do not over eat. Do this with no distractions (no phone, no spouse, no cat/dog). Just you and you alone with your thoughts. Are you a coward? Go through these questions today.
Answer these questions:
- What situations or people make me feel inadequate or less confident?
- What fears do I have about my abilities, appearance, or worth?
- Are my fears reasonable? Is this thing I'm expecting really going to happen? Has it ever happened?
- Am I inducing this fear or is it from some body else, like the TV, Social Media, family, or friends?
- How do I react when I receive criticism or feedback? What does this reveal about my insecurities?
- What are the recurring negative thoughts I have about myself, and where do they stem from?
- In what areas of my life do I feel the need to seek validation from others?
- What aspects of my life do I compare to others, and how does that make me feel?
- What past experiences or failures do I continue to dwell on, and how do they impact my self-esteem today?
- What am I feeling guilty/regret about? is this self-inflicted or is it coming from some one else?
- How do I feel and react to success or praise?
- What do I avoid doing because I fear judgment, failure, or rejection?
- What inner narratives or beliefs do I hold that limit my potential?
- What specific steps can I take to confront and challenge the negative beliefs I have about myself?
- How can I re-frame my thoughts to see my perceived weaknesses as opportunities for growth?
- What positive affirmations can I practice daily to reinforce my self-worth and confidence?
- Who can I trust to help me navigate my insecurities, and how can I seek their support?
- What would I do differently if I didn’t allow my insecurities to hold me back?
- What standards can I set to build confidence and reduce my insecurities over time?
- How can I focus on my strengths and accomplishments rather than fixating on my perceived flaws?
- What can I learn from my insecurities, and how do they correlate with the people I spend the most time with?
- How do your insecurities compare and contrast with that of your parents, siblings, family and friends?
- If you shifted your approval addiction for preference approval would you take more risks?
- In what areas of your life would you have been more successful in the past if you were not seeking approval?
- How can I reorient my life in every possible way to make the probability that, that I will overcome my insecurities, as certain as possible?
This is a tough project, but! you can overcome it if you commit to it daily. You must be willing to answer tough questions and go through the exercise of overcoming them. Also, you must be willing to stop lying to your self.
Read 'Release Your Brakes' ~ Jim Newman.
Read 'Laws of Human Nature' ~ Robert Greene
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By: Adam Ambush, without prejudice